Amatem Softgel

Amatem Softgel is an antimalarial medication that combines Artemether and Lumefantrine in a convenient softgel form. It is known for its effectiveness in treating uncomplicated malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, a common malaria parasite. Amatem Softgel works by disrupting the growth and reproduction of the malaria parasites in the body, helping to eliminate the infection and relieve symptoms such as fever and chills. It is widely used and trusted for its rapid action and ability to treat malaria effectively, contributing to the management and control of this widespread infectious disease.



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Product Details

How It Works

Amatem Softgel works through the combined action of its two active ingredients, Artemether and Lumefantrine, to combat malaria. Here’s how it works:

1. **Artemether**: This component is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and quickly enters red blood cells where malaria parasites reside. Artemether interferes with the parasite's ability to metabolize hemoglobin, which is essential for their survival. This disruption ultimately leads to the death of the parasites.

2. **Lumefantrine**: This ingredient acts more slowly but persists in the bloodstream for an extended period after Artemether has cleared. Lumefantrine continues to eliminate any remaining parasites, preventing their resurgence and thereby reducing the chances of a malaria relapse.

Together, Artemether and Lumefantrine provide a dual mechanism of action that targets and destroys the malaria parasites at different stages of their life cycle, effectively treating uncomplicated malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage regimen to ensure complete treatment and prevent the development of resistance.

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